Collection: Les Panacées

Patience & Sigrid, the founders of Les Panacées, imagined products that they would have dreamed of using in their youth. They reminisced about being in the bathrooms of their adored grandmothers, where evening bath time meant back scrubs with a washcloth and a thick soap that smelled good. Now as grown women, adding the pleasure of having their skin gently washed with a scented shower gel or the pleasure of discreetly smelling clean hair is what they want to bring to life.
Their vision is to reconcile the word pleasure with the notion of "eco-responsibility".  All the brand’s products are 100% made in France, vegan, cruelty-free and formulated without sulphates, parabens and silicone. To make small positive changes in the world and our environment in simple yet pleasurable ways.
To take the best of yesterday and bring it to today's taste, while thinking about tomorrow.